Entrepreneurial Senior Executive & Attorney
About me
Scott Milburn
Scott Milburn is an entrepreneurial senior executive and attorney. He has spent most of the past 22 years as an executive and consultant who integrates a broad range of skills and experience for early stage and growth companies. Scott provides clients both consultation as well as hands-on management assistance. His business experience was preceded by 17 years of full-time law practice, serving a wide variety of clients, including Microsoft, and he continues to maintain a thriving business law practice with Advocates Law Group, PLLC [hyperlink], a virtual law firm in the Seattle area. Scott excels in strategic planning; business development; operations; sales; marketing; turnarounds; legal; human resources; finance; international operations; and real estate.
Scott has experience in diverse industries such as cleantech; homeland security; data collection and management; wireless power delivery; advertising; mobile content; various application of Big Data; banking; real estate; and insurance. As COO of LaserMotive, Scott managed all aspects of the non-technical side of the engineering R&D company and built extensive relations with the US military. As COO of QL2 Software, he was responsible for all aspects of operations and finance; significantly restructured the operations of a 100+ person office in India; and helped guide the company from borderline failure to profitability within 12 months.
At Reality Response Scott built from scratch an extensive network of relationships among federal, state, and local homeland security officials in D.C. and California, leading toward a statewide virtual reality training program. He led sales, business development, and operations at AdRelevance, where he negotiated a key strategic partnership with and investment by AOL prior to AdRelevance’s successful sale.
Prior to his business career, Scott was a partner at Preston Gates & Ellis (now K&L Gates) and was selected for the Attorney General’s Honors Program at the U.S. Justice Department upon graduation from law school. In his final year at DOJ, Scott received the Tax Division Outstanding Attorney Award. He resumed practicing law in 2012 and is Managing Partner of Advocates Law Group, PLLC, where he practices business and real estate law, in addition to his Sage Management consulting work.
Scott splits his time between Seattle and Maui.